미국뉴스 I 영어뉴스 I AT&T 250개 지점 문 닫는다고 합니다.미국뉴스 2020. 6. 17. 12:07
AT&T confirms thousands of job cuts, 250 store closings
AT&T가 250개 지점을 닫으면서 몇 천개의 일자리가 줄어들 것이라고 밝혔습니다.
원문 내용을 요약해드리면,
1. 관리자, 임원 및 3,400명의 기술자 자리를 줄일 예정. 250개 매장의 문을 닫을 것이며, 이는 1,300여개의 소매업체들에 영향이 갈 것으로 보임
2. 원래 매장을 줄일 계획이 있었으나, 팬데믹으로 인해 상황이 앞당겨졌으며, 대부분의 매장 직원들은 AT&T의 다른 잡 오퍼를 받을 것이라고함
3. 그럼에도 해고당하는 직원들은 회사에서 제공하는 6개월 건강보험과 퇴직수당을 제공받을 것이라함
구조조정의 원인은 기존 제품의 수요 하락과 팬데믹의 영향이라고 합니다.
더불어 T모바일도 (미국의 다른 통신사) 구조조정이 있을 것이라고 하는데 아직 그 규모나 숫자는 밝히지 않았다고 하네요. 다만 그러면서 내년 동안에는 새 직종에 5,000명 정도의 고용이 있을 것이라고 합니다.
실물 경제의 위기가 이렇게 다가오는 걸까요
부디 대부분의 분들은 다른 부서로의 이직이 되셨으면 좋겠네요 :(
아래는 기사 원문입니다.
AT&T confirms thousands of job cuts, 250 store closings
AT&T plans to close 250 stores, according to the Communications Workers of America.
1. AT&T confirmed to Axios it is planning widespread job cuts that include managers and executives, in addition to 3,400 technician and clerical jobs. It will also close 250 retail stores, impacting 1,300 retail jobs.
Why it matters: While the cuts can't be separated from the COVID-19 impact on the economy, the moves also come as the mobile industry has consolidated from four national players to three following T-Mobile's acquisition of Sprint.
Details: The stores facing closure are a mix of AT&T-branded locations and those of Cricket Wireless, AT&T’s prepaid brand, according to the Communication Workers of America, which represents some of AT&T's employees.
- AT&T confirmed the cuts, but did not give a specific total number, other than to say the job reductions were "sizable."
- 2. AT&T said the store closures were planned, but accelerated by the pandemic. Most store employees will be offered another job with AT&T, the company said.
- 3. Laid-off workers will receive severance pay(퇴직수당) and six months of company-provided healthcare, AT&T said.
What they're saying:
- AT&T: In a statement to Axios, AT&T said the cuts stem from lower demand for some legacy products, as well as the impact of the pandemic. "As a result, there will be targeted, but sizable reductions in our workforce across executives, managers and union-represented employees, consistent with our previously announced transformation initiative. Additionally, we’ll be eliminating more non-payroll workers — the vast majority of which are outside the United States — than we are managers or union-represented employees."
- CWA: “If we are in a war to keep our economy going during this crisis, why is AT&T dismissing the troops?” Communications Workers of America president Chris Shelton said in a statement. The union also noted that the cuts come after hedge fund Elliott Management took a $3.2 billion stake in AT&T last year.
Meanwhile: In a statement, T-Mobile confirmed it is cutting some jobs too, though it didn't say how many. But it notes it is hiring for 5,000 new positions over the next year as well. The company committed to growing its net employment as it sought regulatory approval to buy Sprint.
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